Winter is Coming to Newmarket. Do You Need an Insulated Garage Door?

Yes, we know. Nobody likes to think about winter while the temperatures are on the plus side of Celsius.
However, we do live in Canada, so there is a need to be pragmatic and forward-thinking when we deal with winter.
So, if you don’t have an insulated garage door yet, here is why you will need one this fall/ winter.
Temperatures are Falling and Utility Bills are Rising
Experts are calling for a fairly typical winter for Southern Ontario this year, which means it will be pretty awful. However, we may see even more snow and precipitation than usual. Lucky us!
In other bad news, we probably don’t have to tell you that your utility bills are not going to get any more affordable any time in the near future.
This means we all have to take extra steps to keep our heating bills down over the winter months. We avoid hydro-suckers like old space heaters or electric blankets. We try to caulk all of the nooks and crannies around our doors and windows. But, did you know an inefficient garage door can be one of the biggest sources of heat loss in your entire home?
You need an insulated garage door with a higher R-value to truly keep winter out.
Find Out How Much You Can Save
It’s hard to calculate exactly how much of an impact an insulated garage door can have on your utility bills. There are a lot of variables in play. Your best bet is to call the garage door installation experts in Newmarket to set up an appointment.
Our initial visit is always totally free. We will look at your home and assess exactly how your current door may be causing heat-loss while showing you the difference that an insulated door could make. Of course, we will also help you pick out the perfect look and design to boost your home’s curb appeal.
Larger “Big Box” department stores will charge you for this type of assessment and credit it back to you if you buy from them. Our visits are free because we think you would prefer a conversation to a sales pitch.
Are Insulated Garage Doors a Must in Newmarket?
We don’t have to tell you that winter in Newmarket is brutal. We get all of the wet slush, rain and damp air that just chills you to your very core, combined with punishing snowstorms and blizzards. But, does that mean that you have to have an insulated garage?
As we mentioned above, there is no easy-to-calculate number because there are simply too many variables involved. The impact an insulated garage door will have on your heating bills will depend on things like:
- The size of your garage/home
- How energy-efficient your heating system is
- How well-insulated the rest of your garage and home are
- How cold the winter gets
- Which direction your home faces (hint, north is bad)
There are a lot of questions that need to be answered. However, there are a few things you can be pretty certain of. First of all, an insulated garage door is always going to prevent more heat loss than a non-insulated door.
Second of all, if you have a bedroom or home office that shares a wall with the garage, an insulated garage door is likely going to have a big impact on your utility bills. You’re probably struggling to control the temperature in this room right now, and it’s always a little bit colder than the rest of the house over the winter. You may need to bring in a space heater or use more blankets to sleep in there.
That’s because the temperature on the other side of that wall is most likely just as cold as the outside air, with less insulation than the rest of your home. An insulated garage door helps you bring the garage to a more manageable temperature.
And third, if you’re planning on doing more than getting in and out of your car in your garage this winter, an insulated garage door is almost a must. If you want to use this space as a workshop, home office or home gym over the winter, you need the R-value that an insulated garage door provides.
Otherwise, you’re going to see some pretty scary hydro bills as you try to heat the area; particularly if you’re using inefficient space heaters.
Need Repairs or Maintenance for Your Current Garage Door?
Even if you already have an insulated garage door, you could still be losing heat over the winter if the door isn’t making an airtight seal when it closes.
Basic wear-and-tear combined with our crazy temperature fluctuations may mean your actual door is fine, but the area around it needs to be serviced. This is why we offer emergency garage door repair services in Newmarket and the rest of the GTA/ Southern Ontario.
One of our technicians can check your current set up to make sure everything is as efficient as possible and make any required repairs. It’s best to stay ahead of things and reach out now, before the cold weather arrives.
Of course, we can also help you with any other problems your garage door may be having, such as:
- New/louder noises
- Being stuck open or stuck closed
- Not opening or closing completely
We stand behind every single garage door we sell, and we’re here 24/7 when you need us.
Let’s Talk About Insulated Garage Doors
Are you ready to find out how much money you can save, and how much more comfortable you can be this winter?
For the last 60 years, we have built our reputation based on trust and providing exceptional customer service. We’re proud that the Dodds name is synonymous with quality in the GTA.
How can we help you? Feel free to click the chat window below to ask us anything. Or you can call us at 1-877-503-6337.